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Mortgage Mess - Can a sheep really help? 

After three hours and a tangled slinky I was calm and tried to recall my own mortgage experience which I vaguely remembered involved the trading of livestock.


Does a candidate need good teeth to run for office? 

After all one never knows how hygiene might affect the ability of a political candidate to carry out their duties.


Rescued a dog, but I was rescued too 

It wasn't until years later that I truly understood what it meant to have a rescue dog. Like a cat with a hair ball I get choked up whenever I hear the sad stories about dogs and other animals that have been rescued and are looking for homes.  

The Mole 

Is a mole creating problems in the office or is it just another cooked up problem by the boss?

Good Intentions 

My first vegetable car changed the way I thought about the environment.


Making Friends 

My first vegetable car changed the way I thought about the environment.